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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthy Breakfast What Makes Slim

Slender body is possible only with breakfast right?
The answer lies in the nutritional value of your breakfast. With proven strategies tips slender, has proven ideal body found in a healthy way.

1. Cereal. A national survey found that people who breakfast cereal weighs less than that do not. This is because cereal carbohydrate-rich foods that provide temporary energy and makes you feel full until mid-morning.

2. Milk. Conjugated linoleic acid found in milk may help convert fat into lean muscle, which every dieter from goal. In addition, milk is a source of protein, and the body expends fewer calories to digest protein.

3. Fiber. Many choices for breakfast with fiber, such as bananas. Because of the complex structure, fiber is difficult to digest, so you feel full longer. In addition, the body burns extra calories when processing fiber.

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