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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time for Love

If u falling in love.. i have stori about Love.. :)
i will tell u about my love story.. this is very funny and give me the sweet memory and can not be forgotten in my life.

the follow is story between a man and pretty woman.. :D lets see.
One day at a housing complex will be on hold a victory celebration, there two peoples they do not know each other, but he had never seen her somewhere, in a meeting at the village headman's house, people arguing and the girl in the show as secretarisn while he was as chairman of the committee .. :)

this is where this story begins ...
to perform the duties and responsibilities we must often meet and discuss the events that will be created,. begins with a proposal and meet at my house, that night he came with his friends, to plan what to buy gifts.
finally on the day of our week and my friends went to the market for gift shopping. then I had noticed his manner and his attention to me,,
until event in later has arrived, warning of Indonesia's independence day in Bithday by children and parents. we were all laughing and happy together,..:D

enough for this episode.. i'll continuing tomorrow.. bye.. :)

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